This is to remind you that the Partnership/LLC/ Scorp/Corp annual report is due.
Determine your company’s due date and fees (these vary by entity type).NC corporations (foreign and domestic) and partnerships (LLPs and LLLPs) must file an annual report by the 15th day of the 4th month after fiscal year end. The filing fee for corporations is $20 (online) or $25 (paper). The filing fee for partnerships is $202 (online) or (200) paper. NC LLCs must file by April 15th each year and pay a $202 (online) or $200 (paper) filing fee.
If you are currently an LLC, Partnership or converted your sole proprietorship to an LLC during 2024 you will be required to file.
Each domestic limited liability company or partnership other than a professional limited liability company governed by G.S. 57C-2-01(c) and each foreign limited liability company authorized to transact business in this State, shall deliver to the Secretary of State for filing an annual report, in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State.
If you formed an LLC in another state you may be required to file annual reports in that state. Please contact the state where it was formed.
For North Carolina you can go online to the following link to file your annual reports File NC Annual Report Online Please make sure all information is filled out accurately and completely in order to not delay the process.
As always we look forward to helping you so let us know if you need any assistance.
Twila Wilt CPA